What is Train 2.0+?

A player development system derived from education, video analysis and implementation of mechanics from the world's best.

At Train 2.0 we break down the details in the mechanics from the best players in the world, how they differ from what you are doing and why that is different to what is being taught in skill development today. We are helping close the gap in knowledge and providing players with a mechanical advantage through the membership. With Train 2.0 you have access to the building blocks with everything you need to become your best. Our playbook, proven successful from the worlds top players is the education mixed with repetition and awareness. With access you have everything you need learn, develop and fullfill your potential.
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Jason Yee's Education and Background

Finished atop of his class, graduating with a kinesiology degree from UBC. Wrote his thesis on player selections and the process of making a hockey team. Professional playing experience combined with 15 years of coaching experience. Currently working with some of the world's best NHL players.

Also featured in the photo is our director of coaching Kevin McKinnon. You can learn more about the Train 2.0 coaches program by clicking the button below.
Check Out The Coaches Page Here

Feedback From The Community

Swipe to see some stories shared from our community

Mark Rodgers


Honestly man, I've been running hockey schools for 15 years now in southern Ontario, and not many skill coaches are preaching these methods. You are breaking things down with effective video feedback so it makes sense and good on you for sharing these keys to the masses. Have conviction in the message you are spreading. I have taught, implemented and seen first hand these exact skills and the results that follow lead to NHL caliber talent.

Eddie Watson

Train 2.0 Member

Jason man, you are a genius! Just recently got on board with Train 2.0. I had casually seen your videos on YouTube and had debated joining for a while, but after seeing your corkscrew breakdown on there I realized you had a unique approach that resonated with me. So I became a member and have been binging the content and really love your approach to all this. Your explanations, especially for those 2 really set off a light in my head and I was able to “do” both. Granted very early progress but I’m thrilled to be at this starting point I couldn’t get to before. THANK YOU!

Exploration of Movement

David Rolston - Co-Host of "The Youth Hockey Podcast"

I have spent most of my life obsessed with the sport of Ice Hockey, first as a player and fan, and eventually, as a coach and parent. Train 2.0 is an exploration of movement that advanced hockey players employ, and the application of that theory in a way that is approachable and specific for players and coaches. Train 2.0 has profoundly influenced the way I look at and talk about the sport of hockey, and the way my son trains and pursues skill development.

No Plateaus

Matthew Martin - Train 2.0 Member

As a current member this is a skating movement systems, first principles approach that has exceeded all my expectations. Have yet to reach a single plateau - I just keep getting better and it feels so awesome.

Julie Davila

Train 2.0 Member

Hi, I just want to express my gratitude for this group, especially the coaches. I've been a member for maybe 6 months or so, and I feel like I've improved quite a bit since I started. To provide a real example, I just played in USA Hockey's Women's Nationals in Tampa a couple of weekends ago, and while my team didn't end up doing so well, I still got at least one goal per game and even one hat trick and I absolutely credit that to everything I've learned from Jason's videos as well as from all of the gold that comes up in the group feed.

Downhill Skating System

Why Downhill Skating? The Mechanical Advantage.

Downhill skating helps players skate faster with less effort. It also gives players more movement options and possibilities with the puck. Inside The Downhill Skating System you will gain access to 50+ hours of video and 45+ mechanics to start training into your movements. The Downhill Skating System is accelerated learning showing you key differences of the NHL's best. With proven methods and development strategies we are giving players a true mechanical advantage. If you want to sign up for our 5 part free training to learn the basics of the Downhill Skating System click the button below.
Check Out The Downhill Skating Free Training


Leverage the power of community with our many Train 2.0 coaches and members.

Gain access to our powerful community where members are have the opportunity to post their clips for our coaches to take a look and provide feedback in real time. Not only is it an opportunity for yourself to learn from our coaches but also get to learn from the videos and coaching of others in our 250+ person community.
Sign Up Now For Train 2.0+

Weekly Coaching Calls

Every week members have the option to sit down with Jason on zoom for our weekly coach call where Jason drops new lessons, breaks down video and answers any questions from members during the week. The calls are typically centered around player development, with strategies to improve, areas to focus on and ways to become better. Calls are uploaded the following day and posted inside the coaching call section of the membership.
Sign Up Now For Train 2.0+

"Once you see it, you cant unsee it. Once you feel it, you can't unfeel it." - Jason Yee

How To Get Started With Train 2.0

Two ways to become a member. Cancel anytime.

Community Stories

  • 🎙️ Jacob Thurston- 2.0 Member Dad

    We enrolled in your program in August, when our son was barely on a team in the lowest tier, and by the end, he became one of the best kids. He was able to skate circles around the other kids, performing 10-2's. All the parents started asking, 'What is he doing?! Private coaching?!' No, it's an online training system, which they can't believe is just that. It's been really awesome to see how much we have grown. The coach is saying his shot is getting ridiculous! 'Kid, what are you doing?! How do you shoot like that?!' People don't understand what's possible through your program. We're having fun and enjoying every second of it, so thank you so much for that.

  • 🎙️ John Swanson-@x7hockey

    Two years ago my 9 year old daughter was extremely behind as a skater. Two years later she is one of the best skaters in North America for her age. She now has around 250+ hours doing Train2.0. I was professional hockey player, with strong understanding of the game. What Train 2.0 helped me understand and implement was the skills and regressions to help me meet her where she was at as a player. Whether she steps on the ice with her teammates or even when she skates with the college players I coach she is a confident skater. Because her skating ability stands out, there isn’t a game that goes by where someone doesn’t stop and ask me what she does for training. Train 2.0 is a huge reason for her success. Many thanks all.

  • 🎙️ Ben Frank- Ontario Jr. Reign

    Can’t thank DSS and you guys enough. Been sharing my daughters journey here with DSS as total non impact player at lower levels less than 6 months ago to faster progress than I could have imagined. I’m seeing soft drags, punches, dangle by design, anchor release, even mcdavid warmup drills lol all emerge in the games. Just want to thank you guys. Been playing, coaching, teaching for a long time. NEVER seen the rapid progress I have seen experimenting with Train2.0 with my daughter. 3-4 months ago she was literally non impact player who hardly touched and never carried the puck. She still has a long way to go but here are a couple clips from this weekend.