What Reverse Engineering The Mechanics Reveals About Current Skating Methods

A huge gap between NHL Mechanics and what is typically taught

Have you ever wondered, "Why them, and not me?" Why do they skate so well? Why do they move so well? Why is their hockey sense so natural? Why is their puck control so effortless? Why is their shot so dangerous? The truth is that it is not a lack of effort. It is not a lack of desire. It's not your fault. As a professional hockey player and kinesiologist, I wondered these things too. After years of research, testing, and instruction, we discovered that elite NHL skaters skate completely different from everyone else. And how everyone teaches.

What Are The Three Untaught Mechanics?

Imagine if you applied three simple mechanics to your game that changed everything. It might sound too good to be true. And while they are simple to implement, they are not easy. It is only a challenge to implement these simple mechanics because every other advice you received is backward. Imagine if you got past that - and applied these mechanics for more effortless, powerful, and agile skating.

Is Skating The Lead Domino?

If you change the way you move on the ice, does that change everything else?

Skating impacts your entire game. If you're tense because you're Power Skating - it holds back your stickhandling, shooting, and mobility. If you're relaxed because you're skating downhill, it frees up your brain to make smarter decisions, stickhandle smoothly, and shoot fluidly.

Can you influence scouts, coaches, and teams with smooth skating?

Do coaches have a bias towards smooth skaters? What is that worth to you?

Do you ever notice that the players who always get scouted, recruited, and given top line minutes happen to be the best skaters? Do you think that's a coincidence? Or is that a combination of the Halo Effect and strong Visual Persuasion? Downhill Skating makes an immediate noticeable difference players by removing the chop, and adding smooth, fluid movement.

Development Tracks

A program customized to each player's unique strengths and that maximizes your opportunities for improvement

  • Speed & Acceleration

    For players who are agile, good with the puck, and have good lateral mobility - but who struggle with straight ahead speed and the first few steps. There are 2 simple mechanical fixes that never get solved with Power Skating or off-ice training.

  • Lateral Mobility & Deception

    For players with great straight ahead speed who struggle with lateral movement and deception. These players learn the 5 transition skills that lead to effortless lateral mobility and deception.

  • Transitions & Crossovers

    For players who struggle on crossovers and transitions at speed. We learn to use body mass placement to accelerate and transition - and how to make crossovers effortless and faster.

  • Puck Protection & Tight Spaces

    For players who get knocked off the puck and who struggle in tight situations. We teach players to move with strong edgework and a light touch.

  • Beginners

    Beginners have the advantage of not establishing bad habits. By learning the Downhill Skating System from the beginning, skaters blend their mechanics with physics for naturally effortless improvement.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How To Start Skating Downhill

    • 3.1.1 - How To Start Skating Downhill

    • 3.1.2 (Bonus) Dropbox Clip Folder

    • 3.1.3 The Dance Steps and Posture of Downhill Skating

  • 2

    Next Level Learning + Movement Mastery Principals

    • 3.2.1 - Next Level Learning Principles Part 1

    • 3.2.2 - Next Level Learning Principles Part 2

    • 3.2.3 - Movement Mastery Principles

  • 3

    Magic Mechanics Cues + How to Progress

    • 3.3.1 - Magic Mechanics Cues

    • 3.3.2 - The 5 Pillars Of Downhill Skating & How To Use Them

    • 3.3.3 - The Floating Elbow Magic Mechanic - Cue for Crosby Crevice

    • 3.3.4 - How To Progress With Downhill Skating

  • 4

    Downhill Drill Breakdowns

    • 3.5.1 - Downhill Drill Overview

    • 3.5.1 - Downhill Drills

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Corkscrew Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Corkscrew 2 Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Gaudreau Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Anchor Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 Base - Anchor 2 Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Stutter Step Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 Base - Stutter Step 2 Breakdown.mov

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Shuffle Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Corkscrew to Outside Edge Roll Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Corkscrew to Punch Step Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - 10&2 Breakdown

    • 3.5.x - Circle - 10&2 Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - Panarin Infinity Breakdown

    • 3.5.2 - Base - 10&2 Infinity

    • 3.5.x - Infinity - 10&2 Infinity

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag - Corkscrew to Gaudreau

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag - Corkscrew to Anchor

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag - Corkscrew to Knee Down

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag - Corkscrew to Shuffle

    • 3.5.3 Zig zag- Stutter Step to Crossunder

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag Stutter Step to Shuffle

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo - Corkscrew to 10&2

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo - Corkscrew to Stutter

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo - Corkscrew to Stride

    • 3.5.5 - Circle - Shuffle

    • 3.5.5 - Circle - Crossunder

    • 3.5.5 - Circle - Crossunder Soft Ankle

    • 3.5.x - Auxilliary - Crossunder Soft Ankle

    • 3.5.5 - Circle - Crossunder 10&2 Forward

    • 3.5.5 - Circle - Crossunder 10&2 Backward

    • 3.5.x - Backward - Crossunder 10&2 Backward

    • 3.5.x Backward Corkscrew 2

    • 3.5.A - Auxilliary - Board Holds

    • 3.5.x Backward Corkscrew 2 to 10&2

    • 3.5.A - Auxilliary - Y-Angle Ankle Freedom Rolls

    • 3.5.A - Auxilliary - Crosby Crevice Hand Position

    • 3.5.A - Auxilliary - Slalom Ankle Freedom

    • 3.5.A - Auxilliary - Ankle Collapse Stride

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Base Infinity

    • 3.5.6 Infinity - Base Infinity 2

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Triple Crown Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Base + Corkscrew Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Barzal Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Gaudreau + Corkscrew Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Anchor + Corkscrew Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Infinity - Knee Down + Corkscrew Infinity

  • 5

    Base Mechanic Drills

    • 3.5.2 - Corkscrew

    • 3.5.2 - Corkscrew 2

    • 3.5.2 - Corkscrew 2 with Puck

    • 3.5.2 - Stutter Step

    • 3.5.2 - Stutter Step 1 to Stutter Step 2

    • 3.5.2 - Gaudreau

    • 3.5.2 - Anchor

    • 3.5.2 Anchor 2

    • 3.5.2 - Corkscrew Punch

    • 3.5.2 - Corkscrew Outside Edge Roll

    • 3.5.2 - Scooter Right

    • 3.5.2 - Scooter Left

    • 3.5.2 - Shuffle

    • 3.5.2 - Soft Drag

    • 3.5.2 - The Slalom

  • 6

    Corkscrew Zig Zag Drills

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag Corkscrew - Cross Under

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag Corkscrew-Shuffle

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag Corkscrew-Knee Down

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag Corkscrew-Anchor

    • 3.5.3 - Zig Zag Corkscrew-Gaudreau

  • 7

    Corkscrew Combos Drills

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo Stride

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo Knee Down

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo Stutter

    • 3.5.4 - Corkscrew Combo - 10&2

  • 8

    Circle Drills

    • 3.5.5 - 10&2 Crossunder Forward Right-1

    • 3.5.5 - 10&2 Crossunder Forward Right-2

    • 3.5.5 - 10&2 Crossunder Forward Right-3

    • 3.5.5 - Crossunder Circle Left

    • 3.5.5 - Shuffle Circle Left-1

    • 3.5.5 - Shuffle Circle Left-2

    • 3.5.5 - Crossunder Circle Right

    • 3.5.5 - Shuffle Circle Right

    • 3.5.5 - 10&2 Crossunder Forward Left

    • 3.5.5 - 10&2 Circle Left

    • 3.5.5 - 10&2 Circle Right

  • 9

    Infinity Flows

    • 3.5.6 - Anchor Corkscrew Infinity Flow

    • 3.5.6 - Knee Down Infinity Flow

    • 3.5.6 - Base with Corkscrew Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Barzal Infinity Flow

    • 3.5.6 - Base Infinity Flow

    • 3.5.6 - Panarin Infinity Flow

    • 3.5.6 - Gaudreau Corkscrew Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - 10&2 Corkscrew Infinity

    • 3.5.6 - Triple Crown Infinity Flow

    • 3.5.6 - 10&2 Infinity

    • 3.5.6 Base Infinity 2 Flow

  • 10

    Lower Leg Y-Angle Drills

    • Lower Leg Y-Angle Base Infinity Flow

    • Lower Leg Y-Angle Crossunder Progression

    • Lower Leg Y-Angle Slalom

    • Upright Rocking Horse Moving

    • Upright Rocking Horse to Corkscrew

    • Upright Rocking Horse

  • 11

    Auxiliary Drills

    • 3.5.7 - Standing Ankle Freedom Auxillary

    • 3.5.7 - Crossunder Auxillary

    • 3.5.7 - Ankle Collapse (Makinnon) Stride

    • 3.5.7 - Slalmon Auxillary

    • 3.5.7 - Crosby Crevice Hand Positioning

    • 3.5.7 - Board Hold Auxillary

  • 12

    Game Transfer Drills & Breakdowns

    • 3.6.A - 1 Crosby Puck Protection - Boards 10&2 Infinity

    • 3.6.A - 2.1 CPP Infinity - Base + Corkscrew

    • 3.6.A - 2.2 CPP Infinity - Double Punch Base Infinity

    • 3.6.A - 3.1 How To Skate Like Barzal In The 0-Zone

    • 3.6.A - 3.2 How To Skate Like Barzal Drill Breakdown

    • 3.6.A - 4 How To Skate Like McDavid - Drive Wide Guide & Breakaway Patterns

    • 3.6.A - 5 Corkscrew NHL Comparison

    • 3.6.A. - 6 Corkscrew to Outside Edge Rollover NHL Comparison

    • 3.6.A - 7 Slalom NHL Comparison

    • 3.6.A - 8 Lateral Movement NHL Comparison

    • 3.6.A - 9 Backwards 1on1 Breakdown

    • 3.6.1 Powerplay and Backwards Dangles

    • 3.6.11 Dangle by Design: Rules of Engagement

  • 13

    Game Transfer Drills

    • 3.6.B - Backhand Fake Punch Retrieval

    • 3.6.B - Backhand 10&2 Board Retrieval

    • 3.6.B - Forehand 10&2 Board Retrieval

    • 3.6.B - Backhand Board Base Retrieval

    • 3.6.B - Forehand Board Base Retrieval

    • 3.6.B - Crosby Punch-B 10&2-F Boards

    • 3.6.B - Crosby Punch-F 10&2-B Boards

    • 3.6.B - Crosby Board Infinity

    • 3.6B Crosby Board Mastery

  • 14

    Off-Ice Drills & Training

    • 3.7.1 - Off-Ice Drills & Training For Downhill Skating

    • 3.7.2 - 4-Way Downhill Hip Flow Side

    • 3.7.3 - 4-Way Downhill Hip Flow

    • 3.7.4 - Off-Ice Corkscrew Sim

    • 3.7.5 - Shin Angle Lunge

    • 3.7.6 - McDavid Crossunder Off-Ice Sim

    • DSS3.0 - 3.7 - Downhill Off-Ice Drills

  • 15

    Weekly Workouts

    • Week 1 - Corkscrew > Stutter Step

    • Week 2 - Corkscrew - Outside Edge

    • Week 3 - Base Infinity Flow

    • Week 4 - Corkscrew - 10&2 Infinity

    • Week 5 - Stutter > Anchor

    • Week 7 - Soft Drag

  • 16

    How To Protect The Puck Like Sidney Crosby

    • 3.12.1 The Inside Edge Hip Wall

    • 3.12.1 The Outside Edge Hip Wall

    • 3.12.3 The Wide Hip Wall

    • 3.12.4 Dealing with pressure and contact - The "slip" mechanics

    • 3.12.5 Board Spins & Avoiding Pins

    • 3.12.6 The Footwork For Making Plays

  • 17

    How to Skate Like Connor McDavid

    • 3.11.1a - Wide tracking for optionality

    • 3.11.1b - Stair Exercise For Hip Twist

    • 3.11.2a - Inner Spring

    • 3.11.2b - Inner Spring Off-Ice Drills

    • 3.11.3a Inner Spring Arm Swing

    • 3.11.3b Inner Spring Arm Swing Off-Ice Drills

    • 3.11.4 Getting Leverage With Your Skate Angle

    • 3.11.5 McDavid's Head Tracking And Cadence

    • 3.11.6 Unlocking Your Hips For Maximum Spring

    • 3.11.7 Front View Backwards C-Cut Stride

    • 3.11.7 Back View Backwards C-Cut Stride

    • 3.11.7 Backwards C-Cut Auxillary

    • 3.11.7 Back View Backwards C-Cut Stride w Puck

    • 3.11.7 Front View Backwards C-Cut Stride w Puck

Don't take our word for it

Hear from some of the players who unlocked their skating ability

Revolutionizing my pro game at 30 years old

Shawn O'Donnell, Hartford Wolfpack (AHL)

I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with Jason for a few months now and the experience has been eye opening. As someone who has always worked with power skating and skills coaches at age 30 he has shown me to a whole other side of the game. He is so far ahead of the hockey curve with his knowledge for biomechanics. His ability to identify how high end hockey players operate and teach their formulas is second to none. Jason is teaching concepts far before his time and is a true innovator in skill development and proper bio mechanics as it relates to the sport.

By far the best skating system in the world

Mason Baptista

The Downhill Skating System is by far the best skating system in the world. It's really changed so much of my game and opened up my eyes to so many different avenues of skill development and hockey IQ.

This is the biggest breakthrough I've experienced since I started playing

Charlie L.

Thanks again for all the work you put into the Downhill Skating System. Train 2.0 magic mechanics and patterns of the pros have helped me to improve my skills over the past year and a half. Downhill skating has improved my game just as much in just the past month and I'm just getting started! This is the biggest breakthrough I've experienced since I started playing. Changing the way I skate has made me faster, more efficient and much more maneuverable with and without the puck. My teammates are noticing the difference. As an added bonus, my confidence has also gotten a big boost.

It allowed you to skate in a totally new way

Michael R.

I really enjoyed the simplicity of how it was organized and explained. On the ice when you applied the system it allowed you to skate in a totally new way. So many coaches focus on the straight ahead stride that the other transition skills are never taught. I really appreciate you making this course because I believe skating is probably one of the most important things in hockey development

Skating is so easy now

by John P.

From my 10 year old... Skating is so easy now. Everyone is working too hard and all I have to do is twist and fall.

Your Transformation Starts Here

Everything you need to become the player you know you can become

  • Develop anywhere with on and off-ice exercises. MarsBlades? Rollerblades? Anyblades? Doesn't matter. We've got you covered.

  • Email support and discussion groups within the course to answer all your questions.

  • Weekly Q&A Video Coaching & Video Feedback

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